To allow quick navigation even in big data sets, the global full-text search can find entities containing the search term in their name or aliases. The search is:
Not case sensitive, so aDa lovelacE will find Ada Lovelace
Full text, therefore da Love will find Ada Lovelace
Unaccented, Lovē will find Love and vice-versa
You can use % as a placeholder, so Ada L%ce will find Ada Lovelace
Additionally, an advanced search can be used to filter the results when more than one option is available:
Only entities edited by me - shows only entities which you have created or edited.
Also search in description - searches in description and date comments
Classes - searches only in selected classes, such as place or actor
This filter is only active if at least the from or to year is filled out.
If only a year is provide the from date will be YYYY-01-01, the to date will be YYYY-12-31
If only a year and a month is provided it will show data from the first to the last day of the month
If the option Include dateless entities is checked, entities without dates will be displayed as well
Because entities can have up to 4 date values (time span for begin and time span for end) they will be added to the result if at least one date meets the criteria. Therefore, a person that lived from 1540 to 1590 will be found when the from year value is 1550.