Application Structure
The website’s software is written in Python and uses the Flask framework. Below you can find an overview of the file structure:
config - default configuration
export - files generated from SQL
processed images - smaller generated files which are more suitable for web browsers
uploads - files uploaded by users
install - contains e.g. SQL files for installation:
crm - used to import the CIDOC CRM, not needed for application to run
upgrade - SQL upgrade files and information how to upgrade
instance - configuration files
database - SQL code lives here
display - display manager and utility functions
forms - form manager and other form related files
models - classes used in the application
static - the web root containing CSS, JavaScript, layout images, etc.
templates - HTML template files
translations - source and compiled files for translations
views - files concerning routing, redirects, etc.
sphinx - source files of the user manual, for more details see Sphinx
To retrace a call that was made from a web browser (for example /entity/15883) the following steps will be executed:
openatlas/ is processed and before_request() is executed
The URL is resolved and a function in views is called, in this case view() from openatlas/views/
Most often some model information is needed, in this case get_by_id() in openatlas/models/
All SQL is located in database, so in this case get_by_id() in openatlas/database/ is called
A template is called from the view, in this case openatlas/templates/entity/view.html
The template may use filters defined in openatlas/display/ such as: some_data|some_filter