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THANADOS - The Anthropological and Archaeological Database of Sepultures

THANADOS (The Anthropological and Archaeological Database of Sepultures) deals with the digital collection and presentation of Early Medieval cemeteries in the area of present day Austria.

Within THANADOS hitherto published information on Early Medieval burials was digitized and translated to English language. The data are mapped using the CIDOC CRM and provided online. The information can be explored via a digital catalogue and within an interactive map. Cartographic visualisations as well as charts and plots are created dynamically based on real archaeological research data.

It aims at providing a best practice way on how to disseminate archaeological sources and research in the 21st century against the background of digital humanities.


OpenAtlas és una aplicació de base de dades que us permet administrar dades històriques, arqueològiques i geoespacials complexes.